B. Vinod Kumar, vice chairman, ts planning board attended as chief guest from New Delhi Camp..
Prof.N. V. Ramana rao , Director , NIT warangal, Prof. Tenepalli Hari Expert Speaker from Assam university, Convenors for the today program, Prof. Anand kishore, Dr.M.Heeralal, Dr.A.Benerji babu , other distinguished guests, Faculty Members ,students were attended.
Mr B. Vinod kumar speech as it is..
We are Appreciate and glad to say that arranging A national webinar on Dr.BR Ambedkar and his vision for Dalit education , Dr.BR Ambedkar who is a father of Indian constitution, and his vision is Enlighten today s democracy & Administration.
“They [Scheduled Castes] have not progressed in science and engineering education,” Dr.Ambedkar said. “Education in arts and law cannot be of much value for the scheduled castes. They will benefit more by advanced education in science and technology.”
At the time, technology and technical education were not as advanced in India as they are now, but specialized educational institutions in these fields had been set up. If Dr. Ambedkar emphasized engineering and science education for the Dalits, there was a reason for it – and that was the employability of students who had studied engineering and science. That is true even today. In India, even now, students who have studied science and technology stand a better chance of securing employment than those who have been trained in humanities.
Technical education, being very costly, was out of the reach of the Dalits. According to Dr.Ambedkar, “The Government of India done a lot for improving the future of the Dalits. The SC boys are to be kept as apprentices in such industrial units [such as the government printing press or railway workshops] which are under the control of the Government of India or are run by it, where there is a possibility of giving technical education.”
IITs, NITs, Technical universities has to Established separate Educational hubs and Research grants and Employment drives for Dalits. ….
Dr Ambedkar demanded scholarships for Dalit students. He said, “The government aid,is given to Scheduled Castes will never be able to gain access to advanced education in science and technology and it will only be just and proper that the Government of India comes forward to extend help to them in this regard.” He proposed that:
“1. Such Scheduled-Caste students who take admissions in science and technology courses in universities or in other scientific and technical training institutions should be given scholarships every year.
And grant-in-aid also be provided to SC students for studying science and technology in universities in overseas like England, Europe, America and the Dominion.”
Reservations proved to be the most successful instrument for ensuring the representation of Dalits in institutions of higher learning.
Dr.Ambedkar proposed “reservation of some seats for such boys of Scheduled Castes who have attained the minimum standard of education for seeking admission.”
He also wanted similar participation of the Dalits in statutory bodies. He raised the issue of representation of SCs in the Central Education Advisory Board.
Dr.Ambedkar wanted his education to reach the weakest of the weak and wanted to build a system based on liberty, equality and fraternity. His concept of Dhamma, based on the philosophy of Buddhism, stressed moral development. He was not against British education but wanted to give it a humanistic face. He was in favour of an educational system that would produce men of reason and logic; that would help build a society based on logic and reason. He wanted education to not only make a person egalitarian but to liberate his mind and make him capable of objective, logical and critical analysis.