Traditional prayers offered in Sahasra Chandi Yagam

Third day Sahasra Chandi Yagam at Yerravalli, Farm House has commenced at 8am on Wednesday. Chief Minister  K.Chandrashekhar Rao along with his wife and other family members performed the rituals ceremoniously. Initially after reaching   Rajasyamalamandap  prayers were offered to mother goddess. Mahakali, Mahasaraswati, Maha Lakshmi prayers were conducted.  Later at Brahma Swarupini mandap prayers were offered. While the vedic pundits were reciting DivyaVedoktamantrapushpam mantras C.M. KCR along with his wife performed the abhishekam to mother goddess. Navagraha prayers were also offered. At vedaparayana chaturvedaparayana mandaps prayers were offered. Prayers were also offered to sun god. Similarly, at Sahasra Maha Chandiparayana mandap, Chandimata prayers were performed. At Maharudra mandap Rudra vahanam, Rudra parayanam were conducted.

As part of the morning time programmes Chief Minister K.Chandrashekhar Rao along with his wife offered Maha Mangala Harathi to ChandiMatha.

Later,  Dampati Puja, Suhasini Puja and Kumari Puja were conducted with this,  the third day morning rituals were concluded.

Several MPs, MLAs, MLCs and political leaders including media representatives have attended the yagam.


By Online News Diary

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