Much more responsibilities on Pandits, Archaka swaamulu. in the training programme which ends on 6th december 2017 several speakers on the dias emphasised the need of regular study of the originals of Ramayana , bharatham , bhagavatham etc to gain perfect knowledge. in these specials many dharma points and roots are there to follow in the life to achieve goals and lead the life in proper way. vedic culture is important for life time gains. Dr.V.Rajagopala Chakravarthy, Dr.D.parvathidevi, Madduri RamaMurthy, Ganti Radhakrishna Sharma, Dr.V.M.chakravarthy P.R.O. T.Srinivasa Rao participated in the programme and provided valuable suggestions. 36 pandits and archaka swaameejees from kurnool, Ananthapur, cuddapah districts participated . prasadham and certificates presented to the participants.