.The water position in Kurnool district related Water resources are: TB dam lev.1628.82 ft, cap.85.58 tmc, inflow 14756 and out flows…3132 c/s…Sunkesula barrage Lev.292.00m,cap.1.20 tmc,inf.38366,out.f..2534 to kcc and 35832 to TB River …..GDP lev.377.00 m,live cap 3.850tmc,inf. 42 mcft.. outf. 100 +10 cusec …VBR lev 865.09
ft, cap.15.229 tmc,inf. 5800 and outf.5882 cusec…ABR lev.262.65 m,cap.1.928 tmc, inflow 650 and out flow is 0 cusec .LLC flows at border is 665 cusec…..Owk Lev.221.74 m,cap.2.32 Tmc..Inf 743 cusec
out.flow 4049 cusec …Srisailam lev.884.10 ft,cap.210.51 tmc, inflow 248866.outf..265578.(HNSS 1203)… Srisailam Dam”
{ FRL:885′ CAP:215.8070TMC}
Dt :,15-10-2017, Time.9:00AM
Level: 884.00(210.0320TMC)
A) Inflows from:
1)Jurala :1,07,864c/s
2)Sunkesula: 35,832c/s
3)Hundri : 2,000 c/s – ——————
Total *1,45,696*c/s
PH1. : 31,499
PH2. : 42,378
P.R.P. : 11,000
MGKLI: 2,400
HNSS: 1,350
— ————-
Total: *2,81,939*c/se flows are 36150 cusec..