When the villages are developed, the country develops -K.C.R.

Chief Minister  K Chandrashekhar Rao has strongly desired that it is only when the villages are developed the country develops and as such the developmental plan of the state should be based on the development of the villages.   He gave a call to the newly elected sarpanches and ward members that they should work together for the all-round progress of the villages with the participation of all villagers.   The CM said that the required funds and responsibilities will be allotted to the village panchayats and hence the sarpanches and the village panchayat secretaries should work with responsibility.  Since activities like drinking water supply, power supply, laying of roads etc which are important to the village are being directly handled by the state government, the village panchayats should concentrate more on village cleanliness, sanitation, greenery, construction of crematoriums etc.   The CM suggested that the resource persons who would be imparting training to the sarpanches should shoulder the responsibility of   transforming sarpanches and village secretaries as change agents.  CM made it very clear that the government would be very liberal in devolving and delegating the powers as well as in providing funds, but at the same time if either the funds are misused or if they are negligent in discharging their duties, the sarpanches and or the secretaries would be suspended in accordance with the provisions of new panchayat raj act.

The CM had an interactive session at Pragathi Bhavan on Wednesday with resource persons who would be imparting training to the newly elected sarpanches and village secretaries.  Chief Advisor to government Rajiv Sharma, Chief Secretary SK Joshi, MLAs DS Redya Nayak, Vemula Prashanth Reddy, Singi Reddy Niranjan Reddy, Bollam Mallaiah Yadav, MDC Chairman Seri Subhash Reddy, Former MLA V. Chander Rao, Panchayat Raj Secretary Vikas Raj, Commissioner Nitu Prasad, SERP CEO Pausumi Basu, CMO Secretary Smita Sabharwal and others participated in the meeting.

Addressing the resource persons CM said that the resource persons should provide the necessary understanding and awareness to the sarpanches to work with dedication and commitment for the development of the villages.

The CM said that every village by accessing the resources within the village and the needs of the village should prepare a five-year plan for the village.  He said that in accordance with the village plan the village works are to be taken up.  At present where the village is? Where should we reach after five years? What would be the quantum of funds in five years?  What works have to be taken up with these funds? Are the issues which are to be discussed and then enter into the activity suggested the CM.  In the first phase the plan should give importance to village greenery, sanitation, construction of crematorium and collection of taxes pertaining to the village.  He said that in preparation of this plan the resource person are expected to give suggestions to sarpanches and village secretaries.  He said that the resource persons are expected to provide a clear-cut understanding about the village development and prepare them to get inspiration and awareness for village development as well as warn them not to be negligent in discharging their duties and responsibilities.  He said the government would be very harsh if they don’t follow this.  The CM said that the resource persons are expected to become a change agents and mentors in making a modern rural Telangana.  The CM said that he would meet and interact with the resource persons once in every six months to get a feed back from them.


While imparting training to the resource persons and in the process the CM has turned out to be a teacher.  In every aspect he provided clarity and understanding to the participants.  The meeting which started at 11.00 AM in the morning in the forenoon session continued to till 2.00PM and all through the CM was addressing the participants in a standing position.  Even after the lunch in the afternoon session from 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM the CM did the same.  The CM in detail explained to the resource persons about the village panchayat act, roles and responsibilities and duties of village panchayat, ways and means to mobilize funds, methodology to spend, ethics to people’s representatives and responsibilities of resource persons.  Often the meeting filled with laughter with CM KCR extensively quoting several aspects with subtly humour.  From 5.00 PM to 6.00 PM CM had a interactive question answer session and cleared the doubts of the resource persons with patience. He answered all the questions.


During the process of explaining various aspects and to provide clarity and understanding on several issues CM KCR recited often poems from Telugu language contextualizing the subject and explained the meaning.  Quoting a poem of Vemana the CM said that reforms in the villages are a continuous process and in due course the people will be habituated with them.  Quoting a poem from Poet Sumathi the CM said that if the village panchayats indulge in corruption and negligence in their duties they would be punished severely.  The CM said that only when there is a fear of the Act they would work better and the administration will be transparent.  Quoting a Sloka from Bhagawad Gita the meaning of which is that those who are born are definite to die, the CM said that for the last rites of the person who dies with all honours there is a need to construct crematoriums.  Not withstanding the fact that the people clash each other on the name of caste and religion, they should be provided with proper last rites after their death said the CM.  Quoting from Enagu Laxmana Kavi poetry about the three types of people on the earth, the CM said for the development of the villages one should work with determination with the spirit of Telangana movement which was a successful one.


CM made a special mention of persons and organizations who worked very hard and made lot of contribution for the development of villages, to provide an understanding to the resource persons. He narrated the successful stories with people’s participation and the way they helped the country.  He explained about the contribution of S.K. Dey, the first union community development minister in Nehru’s cabinet and how Nehru gave importance to agriculture and irrigation sector on Dey’s suggestion.  He explained how the National Institute of Rural Development was establish by SK Dey and how with his interest shadnagar and patancheruvu blocks were formed.  The CM also explained about Bandarkar of Konkan area and Vanarai society in Maharashtra.  CM mentioned about Rajamouli who was responsible for the development of Gangadevipalli village as a model village.  CM also mentioned about Ankapur village and Pragathi resorts.  The CM introduced the former sarpanch of Gangadevipalli village Rajamouli and spoke about him.  He is honoured by making him sit on the dais along with senior officers and MLAs.


“Peoples representative should not forget that they are servants to the people.  In legislatures they should not be words like official party and opposition party.  Even in villages also there should be nothing like power.  The Peoples representatives should feel that they are the servants to the people but not to dominate over them with power.  The sarpanches who change their language and style immediately after the elections is doing a mistake. They should not think that they are elected to dominate over others and control with power.  Democracy should not become autocracy.  One should work with the feeling of above politics with people’s participation.  But uniting all the people of the village and realizing their strength, the villages issues are to be settled” said the CM.


“One of the key responsibilities for village panchayats is improving the greenery in the village. In every village essentially there should be a nursery.  For every house not less than six saplings are to be provided. Saplings are to be planted and protected” said the CM.


“In the villages sanitation should be given priority. Streets should look like mirrors.  Under any circumstances garbage should not be seen on roads.  If any body throws garbage on the roads, they should be fined with not less than Rs 500 penalty.  Tricycles are to be arranged for collecting garbage from houses.  Dumping yards are to be organised. Dormented borewells are to be filled.  There should not be water logging anywhere. And weed plants are to be removed” said the CM.


“To facilitate the family members of a person who dies to organise the last rites the crematoriums are to be constructed.   For this either the government land or the land provided by village panchayats are by buying with panchayat funds to be done.  If any body donates land there also crematorium may be constructed” said CM.


“Taxes are to be collected cent percent. Action will be initiated against erring secretaries for not collecting the taxes.  Sarpanches are to essentially stay in the villages and mingle with the locals.  They should identify the needs of villages and take initiative to find solutions.  Once in a month meeting of village panchayat has to be conducted. Once in two months the Grama Sabha to be held.  The village records are to be maintained properly.

They should see that the street lights are taken care of.  Marriage registration, birth and death records are to be maintained by village panchayat.  About mutation of the personal properties of the villagers the new panchayats have to be taken a decision.


“The rural population accounts for 2 Crore 2 lakhs.  Through 14th finance commission recommendations for the development of villages in our state the centre gives Rs 1628 Crore. Our state finance commission adds another Rs 1628 Crore to this. At per capita rate of Rs 1611 every year the total amount accounts for Rs 3256 Crores.  Accordingly, a village which has a population of 500 gets Rs 8 lakhs per year.  If the population is more the village gets more funds.  In addition, Rs 3500 Crore funds from NREGA will be received.  All these funds are to be effectively utilized.  The NREGA funds are to be utilized for labour component and for material component village panchayat funds, MLA, MLC constituency development funds as well as finance commission (both state and Central put together) are to be utilized.  By this per annum Rs 7,236 Crores will be mobilized.  All these funds are to be utilized for implementing the Village development plan.  In addition, funds will be provided in the state budget.  Like this in a span of five years about Rs 40,000 to Rs 45,000 Crores will be at the disposal of all the villages with which wonders can be done.  Some of the works can be carried through CSR funds, donations, Voluntary offer of the labour (Sramadanam)” said the CM.

Earlier the CS SK Joshi in his welcome address asked the resource persons that while imparting training to sarpanches they should see that they are transformed as change agents.


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