With the divine blessings of his holiness peetaadhipathi of sri Ahobila math and being inspired by Ahobila dasa system of sri Adivan satagopa swamy,
A three day free medical camp started today at sri Ahobila math, Ahobilam.the free medical camp is 20th in the series.
The medical camp has been organised by sri Ahobila math and sri Bhaktha Varaprasada Anjaneya swamy Asramam Trust.
free medical services are provided to the people of 40 paruveta villages of sri Ahobila narasimha particularly to chenchus
Under the program MISSION AHOBILAM.
The free medical camp is very famous in and around ahobilam as SWAMULA VAARI CAMP.
Thanks to sri Nagarajan and sri shyamala Nagarajan who are taking painstaking steps for the camp.no words to admire their service to lord ahobalesha.
The team of doctors are given full support by sri kidambi venugopalacharya, mudrakartha & pradhanaarchaka and sri kidambi badri narayanan,manager sri Ahobila math.
Above all,
This is possible only with the blessings of 46th peetaadhipathi of sri Ahobila math.