Telangana Information Technology Association (TITA) Celebrated Bonalu 2016 @ IT Corridor, Madhapur
TITA celebrated the Telangana State Festival on 30th July, 2016 as a glorious event. This event has been organised by TITA in association with the State Department of Culture and Language. This event is celebrated as an annual event where all the IT professionals, Corporates and employees from different sectors indulged with a superb matched cultural tinge of Telangana. Bonala Jathara involves worship of Goddess with a culture of offering Bonam or Bhojanam (meal) to the Goddess, Mahankali believing that she will weed out the evil and keep pestilence at arms length. The event flagged off from Cyber towers to Chinna Peddamma Temple by Government VIP & MLA Gongidi Sunitha. The event witnessed delegates from different spheres… Home Minister Mr. Nayani Narsimha Reddy, MP Balka Suman, Young & IT corporator Hema Shamala, and many IT Professionals attended the event. Adding to the feast, program highlighted the Telangana culture such as display of Kommu Koya, ecstatic Sounds of Dappulu, graceful steps of Kolaatam, Joy of folk songs and orchestra. The festival environment is quite palpable in the usual hurry burry Hi-tech city. Marking it as an epic event in the history of IT Corridors, TITA has been celebrating the Bonala Jathara from ever since it had become the State Festival. The event till the year gathered many thousands of people every year pushing the boundaries of excellence.