Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao, as part of his strategy to bring in qualitative changes in the country’s politics has been talking to various political parties and as part of this; he had visited Chennai on Sunday and met DMK Supremo M Karunanidhi and DMK Legislative party President M K Stalin. KCR went to Chennai by a special flight and upon reaching Chennai first went and met Karunanidhi at his Gopalapuram residence. Later he went to Stalin’s house and had lunch organised in his honour. Later KCR had two hours long meeting with Stalin, TR Baalu and A Raja and discussed about the prevailing politics in the country. The CM explained to them on the kind of qualitative changes he wanted to bring at the national level. He also discussed about the Centre-State relations, powers to be given to the States and their rights. Stalin and other DMK leaders are in agreement with the CM’s opinion that regional parties in the country should play an active role. They have also appreciated the efforts put in in this regard by KCR. Later KCR and Stalin jointly addressed the media. In the discussions with the DMK leaders, TRS Parliamentary Party leader K Keshav Rao, Minister Etela Rajender, MP Vinod Kumar participated. Later, the CM visited the famous Kapaleeswara Temple in Chennai. Hyderabad City mayor B Rammohan, Government Whip Palla Rajeshwar Reddy, Mission Bhagiratha Vice Chairman Vemula Prashanth Reddy, MLCs Karne Prabhakar, Sambipur Raju, MDC Chairman Seri Subhash Reddy, TSIIC Chairman Bala Mallu, TRS leader Sravan Kumar, Srinivas Reddy and others accompanied the CM.