Rajya sabha Member and DMK leader M.K. Kanimozhi met Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao on Monday afternoon in Chennai. Both of them have discussed specially on National Politics. KCR told that when the regional parties are strong enough the federal spirit would sustain. CM said that in next 2019 elections all the regional parties put together would secure more seats than the BJP and Congress. CM expressed the hope that the regional parties will play a crucial and key role in National political scenario. Kanimozhi complimented and congratulated CM KCR for his efforts. She said that the regional parties should be more united and work together for the development of Nation and States.
CM KCR briefed Kanimozhi about Kaleshwaram Irrigation project, Mission Bhagiratha, Purification of land records and Investment support scheme for agriculture and farmers. Kanimozhi told CM KCR that she would come to Hyderabad shortly and besides visiting Kaleshwaram project and also study the Mission Bhagirtha scheme.
TRS Parliamentary Party leader Keshav Rao, Minister for Finance Etela Rajender, MP B. Vinod Kumar, Whip Palle Rajeshwar Reddy, Mission Bhagiratha Vice Chairman Vemula Prashanth Reddy, MDC chairman Seri Subhash Reddy participated in the meeting.