Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao felt that the education system should be made in such way that it should remove criminality, inculcate and enhance moral and ethical values in the society. In the process to create a value-based society, academic lessons will be prepared in consultations with and after seeking advice from spiritual teachers like Jeeyar Swamy and former DGPs. The CM announced that from the coming academic year, lessons that will enhance the moral and ethical values will be taught in the educational institutions.
The CM released an autobiography, “Journey Through Turbulent Times,” here at Pragati Bhavan on Thursday written by former DGP HJ Dora. Tamil Nadu former Governor PS Rammohan Rao, Former union Home Ministry Secretary Padmanabhayya, Government’s Chief Advisor Rajiv Sharma, Vigilance Commissioner K R Nandan, DGP M Mahender Reddy, Hyderabad Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar, several former DGPs, former Chief Secretary Kaki Madhav Rao, HJ Dora’s teacher Prof RVR Chandrashekhar Rao, noted journalist Sri I Venkata Rao, several IAS, IPS officers, Sri HJ Dora’s friends, family members attended the function.
Former DGP Sri Dora narrated the difficult times he had faced during his service and wrote an interesting account, which would be an inspiration to other officers. The CM felicitated the author, the publishers and congratulated Sri Dora.
“Unfortunately, criminality is on increase in the present day society. In some incidents humans are behaving like wild animals. There is an urgent need to stop the spread of criminality. Moral values can be raised in the society only through offering a value-based education to children in the educational institutions. Our government is committed to this and will work with dedication. We feel that from the coming academic year, value based education should be taught in the educational institutions in the state. We have to prepare lessons in this regard. We will appoint a committee with former DGPs. We will seek advice and suggestions from spiritual teachers like Sri Jeeyar Swamy and others. We will start teaching proper lessons, which will pave way for a better society, and this will start from the coming academic year. The police also should extend their support to make Telangana Society a better one,” the CM said.
“There is nothing wrong in taking stringent action for protecting good in the society. This is necessary while discharging duties. In a democracy, sometimes the government has to take measures even if they are not liked by the government, in the larger interests of the people. We have to undertake certain action while recognizing people’s sentiments and respect them. There is nothing wrong in this. If society at large is getting benefitted, certain stringent actions are necessary,” the CM said.
“Under the leadership of DGP Mahender Reddy, police are making a lot of efforts to eradicate the social ills. The Telangana police are not confining themselves to the maintenance law and order; they are also discharging their social responsibilities. Eradication of the illicit liquor, close down of playing cards clubs, stoppage of illegal transport of rice, planting saplings as part of Haritha Haram programme, the police have done a good work. The police also should do their bit in making the entire state, a totally literate state. The state government is committed this year to attain total literacy rate in the State. The police should become partners in the programme and make it a success. They should take a pledge to turn every illiterate person into a literate person,” the CM said.
“HJ Dora wrote a good book which is an essence of his experience. Dora also showed how to achieve success through teamwork, how to act strategically at the time of crisis, how to work efficiently with the available resources. He wrote several others things in his book. Police officials should take all this as an inspiration and should move forward. Changes are inevitable in human life. We also should change in tune with the changes and achieve things. Staff should be given training frequently and make them experts. There should be an increase in professionalism and the DGP should take the necessary measures,” the CM said.
“Wherever we visit, in the country, we find Dalits among the poor. This situation should change. RS Praveen Kumar is working hard to educate the Dalits in the State. We are giving our total support to Praveen Kumar’s efforts to take Dalits to a higher level. The inferiority among the Dalits is removed by Praveen Kumar and the Dalits are happy that they are studying in one of the best schools. Encouragement should be given to such people,” the CM said.
“We have not come to earth to live for thousand years. What is important is during our life time how better and ideal we lived. Dora belongs this category of people. Persons like Bhaati, who created Gray hounds and even today teachers there, are ideal personalities,” the CM said.
Author and former DGP HJ Dora, speaking on the occasion, said that the police should never get a feeling that they are helpless. The police should utilise the available resource to the optimal level. In the Telangana State, under KCR’s chiefministership, several people’s welfare programmes and schemes are being implemented. Kaleswaram project, residential schools, public health, revival tanks and a host of others will become an asset to the state. Several meritorious students in future will come from the residential schools. He said he was confident at that the Telangana State would become number one in the country with regard to utilisation of the human resources. Dora explained the challenges he faced during his service and how strategically the police should act. Tamil Nadu former TN Governor PS Rammohan Rao said that the Telangana state was formed due to the peaceful path chosen by KCR. The Telangana movement in 1969 failed as it followed the violent mode. The movement launched in 2001 became successful due to its non-violent and peaceful path. Since a lot of importance is given to the police department in Telangana State, maintaining law and order became easier. Former DGP Roddam Prabhakar Rao said that the Telangana police are doing a wonderful job and no other state police the number of awards that the state police won. He appreciated the state government for allocating adequate funds to the police department and modernizing it.
Former CBI Director, Vijayarama Rao said that the Telangana police have registered great victories under the guidance of CM KCR. He said Sri Dora with his vast experience had inspired other officers. DGP Mahender Reddy said that by learning from the rich experiences of the former officers, the present day officer could bring in several changes. Dora’s book will help in this regard. He said that the police could achieve good results due to the guidance given by CM KCR.