PM’s statement to media outside Parliament ahead of the Monsoon Session of 2016

Namaskar to everyone,

15th August, this year will be a major milestone to commemorate the 70th year of our independence. This session is significant as it begins just ahead of 15th August when we remember the great freedom fighters who laid down their lives for the country.

Our 70 year old journey will scale new heights in this session. For this purpose, we need to have high quality debates and take major decisions so that the nation moves ahead on a fast forward track. Hence all of us should join hands together in the parliament to give a new impetus and direction to country.

I believe that all the parties and the leaders over the past few days whether individually or collectively, have shared the sentiments that we are committed to take best of the decisions for the benefit of the country and to carry the nation forward on a fast track.

My Best wishes to all of you.

Thank you.


By Online News Diary

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