The Chief Electoral Officer, Telangana, instructed the Returning Officers and District Election Officers mandating the implementation of various measures to enforce the guidelines listed by the Election Commission of India that include the monitoring of election expenditure during the period of the General Election to the Lok Sabha, 2019.
The instructions are as follows:
- Flying squads will be operational from the date of the announcement the elections and shall look into all the complaints of violation of the Model Code of Conduct; monitor the election expenditure of candidates and political parties; investigate complaints of intimidation; check the movement of anti-social elements, liquor, sale of arms, and large amounts of cash; videograph all major rallies, public meetings and other expenses as per the Standard Operating Procedure dated May 29, 2015.
- Establish static surveillance teams that will function from the date of notification and will set up checkposts as per the Standard Operating Procedure dated May 29, 2015.
- Video surveillance and viewing teams that will function from the date of announcement of elections and will videograph all major political rallies of parties as well as of the candidates.
- i) Accounting teams will function from the date of announcement for the purpose of accounting the expenditure of the political parties and after nominations are filed, the candidates’ accounts will be maintained by the teams.
- ii) In case of assembly elections, an accounting team shall function in each assembly constituency and maintain the Shadow Register (SOR) and Folder of Evidence (FOE) for each candidate.
iii) In case of Lok Sabha election, the Assistant Expenditure Observer(AEO) and team for each Assembly segment will maintain SOR and FOE separately for each candidate and their reports to the AEO (HQ. AEO) of the assembly segments and will ensure that these accounts are collated at the time of inspection. The AEO will function from the date of notification.
- Media Certification and Monitoring Committee(MCMC) will function immediately from the date of announcement as per the instructions.
- Measures to monitor liquor will be undertaken from the date of announcement of elections as per the instruction and the reporting will be done from the date of announcement.
- Air intelligence units and separate cells to monitor complaints of the Income-Tax Department will start functioning from the date of announcement.