
Kaleswaram project will certainly bring in a new life for the farmers

Kaleswaram project will certainly bring in a new life for the farmers

On Kaleswaram lift irrigation first pump’s successful wet run, Chief Minister  K.Chandrashekhar Rao expressed extreme happiness. With a capacity of 124.4 megawatts capacity pumps, lifting of water up to 105 meters high is a tough task however as expected it could be executed with ease which is very much appreciable. CM said that ‘’by utilizing this much heavy capacity pumps in the Asian continent India stands in first place and the credit as first state goes to Telangana’’.

‘’We have done so much of brain storming for resolving the irrigation problems of the people of Telangana. After so much of efforts, finally after Pranahita mixes in to Godavari at Kaleswaram alone water availability has been assured, from there lifting of water has been proposed since there is no other alternative. To irrigate 40 lakh acres agriculture land in Telangana we have put in several months’ effort. By taking Defence ministry permission we have conducted ladar survey. With defined planning Kaleswaram project has been conceptualized. To lift waters from Godavari which have never been attempted before, we have planned to utilize 139 MWs huge capacity pump sets. Previously in Telangana there were instances where, water was lifted up to 80 to 85 meters high. Where as in Kaleswaram project each pump set has a maximum capacity to lift waters up to 120 meters high. To implement this scheme our Engineers and officials have even gone abroad. After conducting thorough study, with complete knowledge the works have been commenced. With the blessings of almighty everything went on well. Kaleswaram project will certainly bring in a new life for the farmers. I sincerely appreciate all the officials and engineers who are putting their best of efforts in this endeavour’’ the CM said.


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