NIPERs playing proactive role in Fight against COVID-19

Stress upon priorityto licensing and commercialization of solutions developed at NIPERs so that the products reach the market in this hour of need

A large number of multi-faceted research proposals have been submitted by various National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPERs), towards the containment, identification and treatment of COVID-19 to relevant agencies for approval. The key themes of these proposals include design of protease targeting COVID-19 antiviral agents (NIPER-Mohali), computationally guided drug-repurposing using the FDA approved drug-database (NIPER-Mohali and Raebareli), analysis of pro-drug to drug conversion of Remdesvir (NIPER, Mohali), adjuvant-therapy based nasal spray for ailing patients (NIPER-Hyderabad), quantum-dot based and conductivity based biosensor development for rapid COVID-19 (NIPER-Ahmedabad) testing, and an interesting study about the control of strokes incidence during Covid-19. NIPER-Raebareli has also initiated a mega project with IIT and an industrial partner in the development of new immuno-booster formulation utilizing traditionally used shrubs. NIPER Kolkata is working on an indigenous cost effective ICU VENTILATOR in collaboration with CSIR CECRI and a private manufacturer.



National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPERs) are the institutes of national importance under the aegis of the Department of Pharmaceutical, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers. The seven institutes are functional at Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, Hajipur, Kolkata, Guwahati, Mohali, and Raebareli.

A meeting of all the Directors and Chairmen of the institutions through video conferencing was held under the chairmanship of Dr P D Vaghela, Secretary, Pharmaceuticals here today to review their performance in research & innovation activities especially with regard to the ways in which NIPERs have and can contribute in country’s fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

Director, NIPER Guwahati informed about the fabrication of prototypes for 3D printed face-shields, a “hands-free object” for touch-less opening of doors, drawers & elevators, antiviral masks as well as skin friendly herbal sanitizers. He informed that industrial scale manufacturing of these products is being done in collaboration with Hindustan Antibiotics Limited, a departmental PSU. At NIPER Mohali, in association with the Government of Punjab, steps have been initiated to set-up an RT-PCR based COVID-19 testing facility to expedite COVID-19 confirmatory tests in the state.

Dr. Vaghela mentioned that all COVID-19 related research and product development initiatives should be done briskly to provide help to the needy at the earliest. In particular, he stressed that all licensing and commercialization aspects of the developed solutions at NIPERs should be coordinated through regulatory agencies on priority so that the products reach the market in this hour of need. Through these research efforts and societal participation in helping the people, NIPERs are committed to work in solidarity with different groups and serve the country in the best possible way.


By Online News Diary

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