
CM KCR was speaking at the inaugural session of the District Collectors’ Conference

CM KCR was speaking at the inaugural session of the District Collectors’ Conference

Hon’ble Chief Minister Sri K. Chandrashekar Rao on Wednesday called upon the State administration to be more pro-active to ensure benefits of the re-organisations of the districts in the State reached the people. He said re-organization of the districts was done to decentralize administrative wings so that the fruits of development and welfare schemes reached the beneficiaries without fail.

The Chief Minister was speaking at the inaugural session of the District Collectors’ Conference held at Pragathi Bhavan here, in which Ministers, Chief Secretary, District Collectors, Joint Collector’s, Police Commissioners, Superintendents of Police, heads of the departments and other senior officials concerned were present.

“In the past several governments with different ideologies implemented many programmes and schemes. But yet, there is a simmering discontentment among the people. We have to find out the reason for it and where exactly things went wrong. We have to identify what exactly the people need and try to find solutions. If the discontent among the people crosses its limits, then, some vested interests may take an undue advantage of it. In this background, the official machinery should think in an innovative and creative way. There is a need to bring in a tangible change among the people, change for the better. There is nothing impossible for us to rectify discrepancies in the society. People are not mere beneficiaries of government funds. Money will not solve all the problems. Good policies and programmes should come and change people in the society for better. The TS iPASS policy gave a wonderful boost to the industrial policy in the State. About 2500 industries have come to the state. Under Mission Kakatiya programme we are reviving and revitalizing our water bodies. Under Haritha Haram programme we are increasing the green cover in the state by leaps and bounds. We have successfully clamped on the gambling with playing cards and illicit liquor sale. There is a need to provide an alternative employment to the women, hitherto, involved in the manufacture of the illicit liquor. The State has become No.1 in the implementation of welfare schemes. We are spending more than Rs.30,000 Crore on this. We are successful in eradicating all the social evils. With the same spirit all the government programmes and policies should be implemented,” the CM explained.

Elaborating on the re-organisation of districts, the Chief Minister said, “For more efficiency in the administration, we have re-organized the districts and each district on an average has about 3 to 4 lakh households. The district collectors and SPs concerned should have all the data about their district. The district annual plan should be prepared based on the socio-economic-geographic and other district specific needs and resources. All districts need not have a one common blue print for the annual plan. Know your district, plan your district is the motto. The plan should be made in tune with the locally available resources, needs and demands of the people. This resource-specific planning should happen in each district, “the CM instructed.

Stating that works under Mission Kakatiya programme are doing well, the Chief Minister said, “Due to good amount of rains received there is water in abundance. Now it is the time to encourage pisiculture. Mission Kakatiya works should be monitored on a regular basis. There should also be a constant monitoring of the schemes and programmes meant for the SC/ST/BCs. Find out what is the status of assigned lands given in the past. Action plan should be prepared to bring them under cultivation. Many national Highways are sanctioned. We have to extend cooperation for these projects. Land acquisition for both highways and other projects should be taken up.”

Referring to the demonetization of higher denomination of the currency notes by the Centre, the CM reiterated that like other states, the policy has also affected the State. “We have no option but to go for total cashless financial transactions in the State. Attempts are being made to make Siddipet Assembly Constituency area as totally cashless transaction place. This model should be replicated in other districts too. More and more transactions should be done with credit and debit cards, mobile apps and other digital formats. Ordinary people should be made aware of the cashless transactions. More swiping machines and ATMs should be made available in the rural areas. I have been talking to the bankers and I want you to have periodical meetings with the bankers to evolve strategies. The idea is to make the state totally cashless in the near future. Very soon T-Wallet will be in place. Involve teachers, lawyers, students in educating the general mass on the cashless transactions,” the CM said.

Coming back to the districts re-organisations, the Chief Minister said since the geographical size of the district has become short, it would be easier to monitor the administration. “Facilities and services in the government hospitals should improve since for each bed in these hospitals, the government is spending Rs.5,000 per month. We have increased the budget for procuring medicines. Government hospitals should perform well and the Collectors should ensure this,” the CM remarked.

On the land registrations, the Chief Minister said that instructions have already been issued to register Sada Bainama lands free of cost. “We are giving permission to treat Agriculture lands under Hyderabad, HMDA and Warangal as Sada Bainama lands,” he said.

He also suggested that crematoria should be created in the villages and where there is a sizable Muslim and Christian population, burial grounds should be established. Cremation and burial grounds can be established by using funds available under MGNREGP. Donations can also be raised from the philanthropists. “Take this programme on a priority basis. Every village should be clean and tidy. In all the rural and urban areas dumping yards should be created,” the CM desired.

On the availability of funds, the Chief Minister said about Rs.3 crore funds would be placed with each district collector. Powers will be given to the district collectors to utilise these funds for an emergency work and other important issues. Utilise the constituency development funds of the Legislators and Parliament members. Focus on improving conditions in hospitals and hostels,” the CM pointed out.

Referring to the on-going Haritha Haram programme, the Chief Minister said under the programme an effort is made to increase the green cover in the State. “Indiscriminate felling of trees has decreased the forest cover in the State. Now we want to increase it by 33 per cent area in the State. Have proper coordination with the forest officials. Review the status of the plant nurseries, monitor them. Ensure the trees are grown near the national highways and talk to the agencies concerned in this regard,” he said.

On the grievances day, the Chief Minister said it should not be treated as a mere formality. “Ensure that all the complains received on the grievances day are attend to and solved. Speed up the construction of new godowns in the State. Law and Order situation in the state has improved substantially. SHE teams are doing a great job and we have initiated several steps in the RTC buses for the women commuter’s safety. Form SHE Teams in the district too. If the Collectors, SPs and Joint Collectors in the district concerned work with team spirit, we will get good results and people will get many benefits, “ the Chief Minister exhorted.

The CM also wanted officials concerned not to harass trade License holders about the transactions they did in the past. He also wanted the officials not to tax the trade License holders based on the past years transactions.

At the Collectors Conference, Deputy CM Sri Mohammed Ali delivered the opening remarks. Chief Secretary Sri K Pradeep Chandra spoke on the aims and objectives and has set the agenda for the Conference. Finance Secretary Sri Ramakrishna Rao spoke on the demonetization policy, while Siddipet Collector Sri Venkatram Reddy spoke on the measures taken to make Siddipet Assembly Segment as cashless Constituency. Hyderabad CP Sri M Mahender Reddy spoke on SHE teams.



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