Cabinet approves incorporation of Sagarmala Development Company

Cabinet approves incorporation of Sagarmala Development Company

Government gives a push to port-led development

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the incorporation of Sagarmala Development Company (SDC) under the Companies Act, 2013. SDC will be under the administrative control of the Ministry of Shipping. It will provide equity support to the project Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) and funding support to the residual projects under the Sagarmala Programme. SDC will be incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013, with an initial Authorized Share Capital of Rs. 1,000 Crore and a Subscribed Share Capital of Rs. 90 Crore.

Implementation of the identified projects will be taken up by the relevant Ports, State Governments / Maritime Boards, Central Ministries, mainly through private or PPP mode, provide equity support for the project Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) set up by the Ports / State / Central Ministries window and /or implement only those residual p cannot be funded by any other means / mode.

SDC will Identify port-led development projects and assist the project SPVs in project development and structuring activities, bidding out projects for private sector participation, putting in place suitable risk management measures for strategic projects cutting across multiple States / Regions and obtaining requisite approvals and clearances.

Since the Identified projects will be undertaken by multiple agencies, SDC will also work as the nodal agency for coordination and monitoring of all the currently identified projects as well as other projects emerging from the master plans or other sources.

SDC will undertake the preparation of the detailed master plans for the Coastal Economic Zones (CEZs) identified as part of the NPP and provide a framework for ensuring the integrated development of Indian maritime sector.

As part of the coastal community development objective of the Sagarmala Programme, the Ministry of Shipping is taking up a number of initiatives/projects. Notable among them are the coastal community skill projects and projects for development of marine fisheries sector.

Skill development projects taken up’ include coastal dis




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