Business wing in Civil Supplies Corporation

*Decision taken in Board Meeting
Telangana Civil Supplies Corporation Board members decided to establish Business Wing.  Board decided to appoint a Consultancy for creating the Business Wing and Business Model.
In the leadership of Chief Minister K. Chandra Shekar Rao with new irrigation projects near about to completion lakh hectares of land will come under cultivation.
In this Kharif and Rabi season Civil Supplies Corporation purchased 54 lakh metric tons of paddy from farmers paying Minimum Support Price. With more land being cultivated yield will also get double, i.e., Civil Supplies Corporation is making plans to purchase more than one crore metric tons of paddy .
Civil Supplies Corporation Board meeting was held on Monday, presided by Corporation Chairman  Peddi Sudarshan Reddy.
Civil Supplies Corporation Board made future plans to make sure farmer gets Minimum Support Price for his paddy. For this a Business Wing will be established to see all the possibilities paddy purchased from farmers and get milled, further it will be export to other states and other countries.
Rationalisation of financial expenditure will be taken up in Civil Supplies Corporation. For this Board decided to appoint a reputed organisation team, which will work on internship and make a detailed report.
In the Board Meeting decision was taken to put complete ban on usage of plastic in Civil Supplies Corporation and make Corporation plastic free.
Board gave nod to supply rice to Tamilnadu, by making sure that farmer will not be at loss and gets Minimum Support Price for the paddy.
In the Board meeting Civil Supplies Managing Director and other officials participated.

By Online News Diary

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